(Looking Good x Genou Rosita Margarita)
1998 chestnut Mare

Sire—Looking Good
Looking Good, bay stallion foaled 1981, had only 14 registered get from 1986 through 2001. His sire Sparfield, a 1960 black, had 60 registered get, with most of the first two-thirds or so being out of solid old western mares. Sadly, almost all of those did not breed on, and of the few who did have produce or get, even fewer of the next generation bred on. Sparfield’s later years were with Desiderata Morgans and most of the mares he got at that time were of eastern blood. The sire of Sparfield, Lee Spar (1955 ch.) had 28 get. Being bred by and living his entire life on the Hunewill Ranch of western Nevada and the eastern Sierras of California, his get pretty much stayed at the ranch, although the Hunewill family thought highly enough of his daughters to breed many of them again and again. A few of his descendants did leave the area to join the broader Morgan world. The story is the same for Dude Spar (1939 ch.), sire of Lee Spar except that he was bred by Roland Hill and then traveled to the Hunewill Ranch. The sire of Dude Spar was the upheaded, baroque and stout Sparbeau, whom Roland Hill never really appreciated. Bred in Kansas by Elmer Brown he is by Linsley and out of Sparbelle, one of Brown’s premier mares. Sparbelle was by the Old Midwest stallion Sparhawk and out of the Vermont bred, high percent mare Donbelle who became so very important for Brown. Foaled in 1930, Sparbeau had only 34 registered get but leaves a strong group of descendants today.

The dam of Dude Spar was Sallie Ann, one of the Roland Hill mares by Querido and out of a Richard Sellman mare, Sonna, who had 15 produce. Sonna was by a Headlight Morgan son and out of a daughter of The Admiral. The dam of Lee Spar was Iva Lee Field a Sonfield daughter out of a Querido mare—Hill’s favorite cross. She was foaled in 1944. Her dam Iva, was foaled in 1931 and Iva’s dam Luala, was a 1925 Roland Hill mare by the Brunk bred Pat Allen (Allen King x Patrona) and out of Hemala, another Sellman mare, by Headlight Morgan and out of a daughter of The Admiral. Two others of Iva’s daughters left their mark in the Morgan world, one going to Utah to leave a strong line there and the other going to W.T. Carter of Fresno to leave some good descendants. The dam of Sparfield was Kitty Spar Field, sired by Dude Spar, who also was the sire of Lee Spar, thus Sparfield’s grandsire both times was Dude Spar. Her dam was Kitty Sonfield, a 1951 black sired by Sonfield and out of Kitty Joaquin who was by Joaquin Morgan, another bred by Elmer Brown. He also was upheaded, baroque and stout and not appreciated by Roland Hill. His sire was the Sellman bred Romanesque by Red Oak and out of the Headlight Morgan mare Mariah K, out of one of Sellman’s favorite mares, Sweet Marie. Joaquin Morgan was out of Margaret L, another Brown bred mare by Linsley and out of Donbelle. Kitty Joaquin was out of Kitty C, a 1915 mare with a little different pedigree for Sellman. Both her parents were by The Admiral. The paternal granddam was by Ethan Allan 3rd and the maternal granddam was by Major Antoine. Kitty C’s dam was Kitty B and her dam was Kitty A—Sellman was taking the easy route to naming here!

So Sparfield was solidly California breeding with his roots going to Sellman and Brown, those two cornerstones of the WWF. Certainly there are plenty of Government stallions in his pedigree, but they were horses chosen by actual ranchers for ranch use. The dam of Looking Good has some very similar breeding.

Shawalla Tocinka is the dam of Looking Good. Foaled in 1960, this chestnut mare is mostly of California breeding but with ¼ of her pedigree coming from Clark Ringling of Nevada. This line was the sire line of her dam, Barby Allen, foaled in 1954. Her sire was Ringling’s Revere, by the Government bred Revere (Mansfield x Folly). The one photo of Revere shows an upstanding, handsome, stout horse and we know that Ringling liked a good sized, solid horse with excellent conformation that could do the job. Ringling’s Revere’s dam was Anneka Revere, by Revere—inbreeding a daughter back to her sire. The dam of Anneka Revere is Anneka Van Horn, another bred by Ringling, and out of Dewey, another Government bred stud. This is another case of breeding daughter to sire as the dam of Anneka Van Horn is The Lovely One by Dewey. She is out of yet another Ringling bred mare (1917) sired by Nevada Chief, a Saddlebred, and out of Red Bessie, foaled about 1905 of Old Spanish California stock. On the mare line, Ringling’s Revere comes from a long line of horses selected for ranch work and to survive in harsh conditions.
The dam of Barby Allen was Lulu Mae, a 1940 mare from ranch stock. Her sire was Millbrae by Don Juan, a 1928 Roland Hill bred stud by Querido and out of Addy, a Sellman mare. Millbrae was out of Daisy Ann, a 1926 black, bred by Hill, sired by Pat Allen (source of the color black) and out of the Sellman mare Redoasy, by Red Oak.

Lulu Bell was the dam of Lulu Mae. She was by Mountcrest Sellman, who came to California in utero when Sellman shipped some mares to Reginald Parsons of Hilt CA. He was by Joe Bailey (by Headlight Morgan) and out of Kitty E (by the Admiral). Mountcrest Sellman was a very important sire of early California Morgans and his descendents are numerous today. The dam of Lulu Bell was Luetta, a Hill mare by Pongee Morgan (Brunk) and out of Red Oak Lu by Red Oak and out of Headlight Morgan daughter.

The sire of Shawalla Tocinka was Rockfield. Photos show him to have been a substantial horse, and standing next to Clarence Shaw, he had to be substantial! He had 124 registered get, many of whom bred on and whose descendants also bred on. His sire was the flaxen Silver Rockwood by Agazizz (Juzan x Gizea), Brunk bred. Agazizz had 71 registered get all over the western US. His photos show a handsome, upheaded horse, somewhat leggier then the Old Vermont style Morgan. The dam of Silver Rockwood was the Elmer Brown mare May Rockwood by Rockwood. Gov’t Farm bred by Bennington and out of the Old Vermont mare Carolyn. May Rockwood was out of May Hudson, by Dude Hudson, Old Midwest, and out of a Headlight Morgan daughter.
The dam of Rockfield was Katrina Field, a Roland Hill mare, by Sonfield and out of Blazie Q. another Hill mare, by Querido and out of Katrina. She was a 1923 mare with 11 registered produce and was linebred to Headlight Morgan as her sire Joe Bailey was by him and her dam was by a Headlight Morgan grandson.

Looking Good definitely has a heritage of strong Roland Hill influence. In the first five generations, Sonfield appears three times, Querido appears four times, and there are also the stallions Hill brought to California—Sparbeau, Joaquin Morgan, and Pongee Morgan. All this in one package. Of course, behind Hill are the Sellman mares and the Sellman horses are scattered through out this pedigree. Every line is from ranch breeding. The Shawalla horses were not bred by a rancher for the ranch, but Shaw was looking for using horses for mountain riding and packing, and he wanted horses that could carry him and last. This sort of intense ranch pedigree is hard to find now.

Dam—Genou Rosita Margarita

Foaled in 1991, bred by Tina Robinson of Montana, this mare carries the one discordant note of Toy Story’s pedigree—Mar-Lo’s Colonel Hamtramck, who was not bred of working stock for working conditions. Foaled in 1951, he was bred by Milo & Marjorie Dugan of Michigan, and later of Colorado. Most of his 45 registered get came after the move to Colorado in 1962 where he apparently was popular to many different people who brought mares to him. His last foals came in 1974, two of them, after skipping 1973, having two in 1972, one in 1971 and skipping 1970. His sire was Verran’s Laddie, bred by Alexander Ruthven of Michigan. Verran’s Laddie was then owned by the Dugans, who gelded him so that his last foals were in 1959. His sire was Lippitt Moro Ash, that handsome stallion that Ruthven bought from Robert Lippitt Knight of Vermont and had shipped to Michigan. Ruthven was breeding for the true Morgan traits and Moro Ash headed up his program for many years. Foaled in 1937, he had 49 registered get from 1940 thru 1960. Many of his get went into breeding programs and his descendents can be found today all over. The dam of Verran’s Laddie was Ruthven’s Polly Ann, one of those good mares that Ruthven sought out who had the old blood. Her sire was Rajah (Mansfield x Viola), of all Government blood. Viola was by General Gates and out of Marguerite, dam also of Red Oak. Polly Ann was out of Albena, of solid Old Vermont high percent blood, being by Allen H, son of Ethan Allen 3rd. Although this pedigree parallels that of today’s Lippitts, most of these horses are difficult to find now. The dam of Mar-Lo’s Colonel Hamtramck was the Government bred Cyclamen, Bennington x Juno. Juno was by Forester by Meteor 2nd. Forester was out of a General Gates mare. Juno’s dam Gertrude was also by General Gates and out of a Daniel Lambert daughter. Thus, Juno was of solid old blood and she was also dam of Goldfield.

The sire of Rosita Margarita was Triple S Red Cedar, foaled in 1981 with 12 registered get through 1999. While leased to Tina Robinson, he sired Rosita Margarita. The Triple S program of North West Nebraska has a history of producing sound, solid Morgans although many of them lack the old Vermont look and instead have a somewhat rangier and lower neck look to them. But they are bred to survive range conditions and to work hard. Red Cedar’s sire is Triple S Red Major by Blackwood Correll by Red Correll. Red Correll was by Will Rogers, of pure Old Midwest family. Red Correll was out of Kate Smith, foaled in 1936, sired by the large and solid Romanesque who has so left his mark on the WWF family. She was out of Bird L, another of those wonderful Elmer Brown mares, sired by Linsley and out of another Brown mare who was of Old Midwest lines.
The dam of Blackwood Correll, Lady Rockwood, also has an Elmer Brown bottom mare line, being out of May Rockwood. Lady Rockwood’s sire, Shenandoah Red, was also by Red Correll. Shenandoah Red was out of Shenandoah Queen who was out of Rarette, another of that golden cross of Jubilee King x Nella. The sire of Shenandoah Queen was King Shenandoah, by Shenandoah (Gov’t) and out of an Old Midwest line mare. May Rockwood was by the Gov’t Rockwood whom Elmer Brown had from the Remount Service. She was out of another of Elmer Brown’s mares of the Old Midwest lines. Thus Blackwood Correll is intense Old Midwest Family with some Government, much of it coming down today by way of Elmer Brown’s breeding.
The dam of Triple S Red Major was the Montana mare, Cherrie. Her sire was Major RM, Elmer Brown bred, sired by Romanesque and out of the Brown bred Dorothy DH, whose sire was Old Midwest and whose dam was by Linsley. Cherrie’s dam Cherye was Jackson Ranch bred and by the Government Delbert, who was bred at the Miles City Remount Station. He was by Revere, the same Revere behind Ringling’s Revere behind Looking Good. Cherye’s dam Chiretta, was also Montana bred and had much old Daniel Lambert behind her, including two close crosses to Charles Reade through her dam.

The dam of Red Cedar was Triple S Golddusty, by Mar-Lo’s Colonel Hamtramck, discussed previously. Her dam was Lucie, a 1958 palomino who had 14 registered get, the last one in 1980. She was the result of a mare being bred back to her son—Iyoksica being bred back to her son, Silverton Morgan, who was sired by Morgan Gold. Morgan Gold was by Red Correll, thus bringing in more of this valuable old blood. The dam of Morgan Gold was Luellen, a smoky black off the LU Sheep Co. ranch of Wyoming. Her dam was a Flyhawk daughter and her sire was Night Tide (although, many of us color historians have some doubts that Night Tide really was the sire of those 1938 colorfuls from LU. But that is something we will never know.) Iyoksica, had some interesting old Montana breeding which was used by ranchers. Her sire Highland Glen was by Justin’s Silhouette, both of whose parents were by Sea Quail plus his maternal granddam was by Sea Quail. Sea Quail was by Quintessnece who was by Jubilee de Jarnette and out of a mare by Lambert Boy. This is all C. X. Larrabee breeding. Highland Glen was out of Sprite, of old Government breeding (although she was bred in Washington), including Viola. Iyoksica’s dam Beauty Panic was all Old Midwest. So Triple S Red Cedar brings to today some concentrated Old Midwest blood.

The dam of Rosita Margarita, Tia Margarita, is mostly California breeding. She is also dam of Primavera Valdez. Her sire, Tio Lalo, foaled in 1956, was also sire of Californio and Shatona Karzan. Tio Lalo was sired by Mahan Field, by Sonfield, and out of Helen Mala, another Roland Hill bred mare by Querido and out of Hemala, a Headlight Morgan daughter. Down at the bottom of Tia Margarita’s pedigree is more of this sort of breeding with the dam of Gay Berta (dam of Tia Margarita), Roberta Ro, who was by Querido and out of Roboss by Red Oak. So the Hill/Sellman lines bracket the pedigree of Tia Margarita. Gay Berta’s sire was Gay Mac, a 1936 stallion with 62 registered get. He left his mark in the west, siring many good ones in California. His one eastern get was the mare Gayselba, whose main line of descant today is through her son Townshend Gaymeade who stood at the LU Sheep Co. of Wyo. Gay Mac was a Mansfield son and out of a General Gates mare.

The dam of Tio Lalo was Palomesa, foaled in 1947. Her only registered produce was Tio Lalo. She brings another line to Will Rogers thru her dam, Baby O who was sired by him. Baby O’s dam, Hilda, was a Roland Hill mare by the Brunk stallion Pat Allen and out of a Sellman mare by Headlight Morgan. The dam of Palomesa was that handsome and Baroque stallion Midnite Sun, sired by Sun Down Morgan, himself also Baroque and handsome. Sun Down Morgan was by Raven Chief, whose sire Morgan Chief was a double grandson of Julian Morgan who has the Bulrush line from Morrill. The second dam of Morgan Chief (Bessie Morgan) also brought in a Bulrush line. Raven Chief’s dam was by The Admiral and out of Morrill Queen. The dam of Sun Down Morgan was Texsky, half sister to Tab, dam of Tehachapi Allen who was another important sire for the WWF. Texas Allen was by Easter Allen Morgan by Headlight Morgan and the dam was Bessie Morgan, who was bred back to her son, Easter Allen Morgan, to get Texas Allen. The dam of Midnite Sun was DawnGlo, from the LU Sheep Co. Her sire was Night Tide and her dam was a Linspar daughter who was out of a Flyhawk mare—the typical pattern of the early LU breeding.
The main theme of Genou Rosita Margarita’s pedigree is definitely that of working horses, whether in the west or the Midwest. The horses of the Old Midwest Family were bred to be working horses. From what few old photos exist of this family, they were typey and upheaded and stylish, and their descendants uphold this tradition.

Toy Story’s pedigree is one of working horses with older horses close up in her pedigree. Lee Spar was foaled in 1955; Kitty Spar Field was 1951; Rockfield was 1955; Barby Allen was 1954; the two Triple S horses were 1974 and 1967 (but that is till over 30 years ago); Tio Lalo was 1956; Gay Berta was 1946. And these horses are the 3rd generation behind her! Her pedigree very quickly goes back to horses bred to work, rather than for show or showing off. She does have a strong Government program influence, most notable with Sonfield and Querido through Roland Hill, but also with Gay Mac and Rockwood and some Red Oak through Sellman, as well as Revere and Dewy from Ringling. But all these stallions were being used by those breeding for actual ranch horses instead of the Government Farm which was becoming more and more show oriented. The horses of Elmer Brown are throughout the pedigree, bringing the strength of his breeding decisions and his solid mares.

It is a good solid Western Working Family pedigree with enough stylish typey horses to offset the plainness and lower neck set of most of the Gov’t horses. Gay Mac however was much more stylish and upheaded then Querido or Sonfield. Blackwood Correll has somewhat more the look of the Government behind him than he did of the Old Midwest but he was a big stout horse who was correct. Bred to style and type, Toy Story should do very well.

Pedigree analysis and/or history for web sites, brochures, and private use
by Laura Algranti.
For further information and rates contact Laura at S14horse@cs.com

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